Monday, February 7, 2011


Good morning ladies and gents,

I'm running a bit behind on my post to this lovely blog so hang tight while I bang my head against the desk and come up with some witty and insightful blog to post.
Okay — that's better. A little coffee goes a long way to rearranging the brain cells.
I don't know if we're supposed to write something about writing or just in general, so my blog will be about the rodeo I went to the other night.

A lot of you may not know this, but the one I went to was technically my first real, sit down and watch, rodeo. I've seen tons on television, but I haven't been to a live one to simply watch the events. The whole experience was amazing.

The smell of livestock permeated the air. Dust clung to the seats, and floor. And the cowboys? All I can say is WOW!

I don't think I've seen that many cowboy butts in tight Wranglers, cowboy hats, dusty boots and sexy men in my life in one place. Well, maybe in Vegas during NFR (National Finals Rodeo). Vegas comes alive with cowboys during the huge event every December.

Anyway, the rodeo the other night started with a game for the kids. They came out of the woodwork to do what they called, "Gold Rush." I'm not really sure what it entailed except for a pile of hay on the ground and dozens of kids scrambling for the proverbial needle in the haystack. Then came the main events and of course, they held the bull riding to the end. The whole time I watched, I was mesmerized by the way the cowboys sat in the saddle—their concentration never broken by the crowd around them. Calf roping or bull dogging had to be one of my favorite events. Unfortunately, for my concentration, I know have a calf roping cowboy sitting on the edge of my desk, tapping his spur against the side, waiting for me to write his story. By the way, he already has a name. Corey Middleton and he's twenty-six, dark-haired, dark-eyed, nice chest, six-pack abs… um where was I?

I did enjoy the bull riding though, too. I just didn't get a close up look at the event since we sat too far away. Next time, I'm gonna be on the rail. I had a serious temptation to ask a couple of those cowboys to unbutton their shirt, let it hang and give me a sexy look while I took their picture. Alas, my twenty-year-old daughter, refused to let me.

I did learn about a new event for the ladies other than barrel riding. Breakaway calf roping is one of the newer events. The ladies have to rope the calf, just like the men do, but when the rope goes taut, it breaks away from the saddle, thus the name. I had to look it up and I'm sure one of my heroines will be using it. *cheeky grin*
Well, that's about all my brain can function on this morning, so I'll leave you all until next month. Until then, happy reading!
~ Sandy

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