Saturday, June 18, 2011

“Where do writers get their ideas?”

What is the one question that people wanted to know from a writer? Where do we get our ideas?

An idea for a story can be sparked at home, neighborhood, grocery store, planes, trains, or even a walk through the park. A logo on a box of cereal can ignite my imagination, if it’s unique and even better if it’s over the top. Overhearing a conversation from a group of teenagers at the mall, observing parents with their children, or watching an elderly couple strolling as they hold hands. Being observant to everything around me and using all my senses at all times gives me limitless ideas for characters and plots.

Like me, I believe most writers are hypersensitive and also will agree that we can’t pinpoint exactly how all the ideas stored in our creative heads will eventually mesh together into a book, they just do.

I attribute the success of creating a plot and characters to the fact that my five senses are on high alert, allowing my imagination to soar and spin a story with life’s simple pleasures. For example, I have an obscene collection of snow globes, I took one of my favorite ones and utilized it in my first novel, Sabrina’s Destiny.

My current book, “What A Girl Wants,” was sparked after I read an article written by Carly Phillips. She talked about how she puts herself through Writing Boot Camp to stay motivated while writing a book. When I saw the words, “Boot Camp,” I thought, how about Sex Boot Camp? (Yes, I know, my mind works in a mystery way that sometimes I can't even fathom). From there, I created my heroine and hero, and their journey in What A Girl Wants.

Our creative minds are like a book of unlit matches and it all it takes is a small strike with a word, a line, a certain look, even a slogan on an old college T-shirt to ignite our creative flame and a roaring fire for a novel.

There is a myth out there that writers will store things that happen to their friends and family to be used in a book later on. Is it fact or fiction? Let’s just say, if you do something outlandish and tell a writer about it. . . .you just never know if one of the many characters residing in a writer’s head will perhaps have the same experience. :)

About the Author:

Witty, humorous, suspenseful, sexy--words used to describe Selena Robins writing. A self-admitted chocolate guru (okay, perhaps a bit obsessed), she dances with her dog, sings into her hairbrush & writes in her PJ's.

You can visit Selena at her website:
Follow her on her blog:

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