Saturday, February 19, 2011

Book Trailers As Promotional Tools

I've made a book trailer for each of my books since IOU and while it's a nice marketing tool to get the word out, unless people visit your You Tube channel or you advertise it in your signature line or announce it, not too many people are going to know it's there. Unless by some curious fluke it catches on.

I still haven't figured out why the IOU book trailer has had over twelve-thousand hits. I'd love to have as many sales but unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. So why do I continue to make them? Because it's fun and relaxing and after a bit, I realized that structuring the text storyboard led me to improving my blurbs. And trust me, that was a big plus:) The other big plus is that it's free. All it costs me is my time.

I'm going to leave you with the trailer and if you make a comment today you could win a download of CROSS MY HEART.

Paris Brandon

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