Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is the sexiest part of a man?

So I was wondering about what part of a man you consider to be the sexiest. The 6-pack abs that some drool over? The tight gluts on a well-shaped butt just made for your hands to grab and hold onto while he relentlessly pounds himself into you? The wide shoulders for you to hold onto, emphasizing how much bigger than you that he is, so you feel well protected? His arms, muscled and strong, with veins that pop out, a testament to his high testosterone level, proving how hard he works out to be sexy? His smile, just for you? Dimples? Eyes that burn into yours when he looks at you with lust on his mind? Or is it the male package: the triad...the two family jewels along with the shaft of pleasure, that for some odd reason these days is being referred to as his "junk"?

Excuse me while I take a long, cold drink. Ahem. Okay, now my answer might surprise you. Of course I love all of those things, along with the shadow of a beard that on some men appears 5 minutes after they shave. I love everything about men: their hairiness, their strength, their sweatiness, their hardness...especially their hardness. Phew!

But the one part of the male anatomy that I find the most sexy is: the brain. The brain? With all of those other attractive parts? Why? You may ask. with me here, folks. All men have sexy parts to their bodies, but only some know how to use them to give you maximum pleasure! Have you ever heard, "It's not the size of the wand but the skill of the magician"? Or any variation on that theme. How do men gain skill and learn how to use their many sexy parts to attract and please a woman? Duh...the brain!

Any man who takes the time to learn about women, about our different manners of pleasure, about the difference between the many kinds of orgasms we can have, and how to give them all, is already a step above the other men who never bother to think about pleasing anyone other than themselves. There are men who truly don't care as long as they are satisfied. Then there are men who learn just enough to get by--but spend any time being intimate with them and you can almost see them remembering that they need to grab here, squeeze there, lick a bit, then go for it! Not the best way to endear yourself to any partner.

But the man who looks at all women as unique beings, who seeks to learn how to do basic things, but asks each woman he is with, What pleases you?, How can I help you to enjoy yourself more?, is the one to look for. And jealously try to keep for yourself. Every idea he comes up with, every position, every variation, has to start in his brain.

So I'm going to state unequivocally that in my opinion, the sexiest part of a man is his brain. Now let the discussion commence!

A descrip
tion of the hero in Secret Love:
It didn’t take long to see just who it was the women were talking about. He was much more attractive in real life than he was in movies...he’d been in a couple of big releases that had made him internationally famous.
He was tall and dark, his skin a reddish-brown color that bespoke of his Native American ancestry. He filled out his clothing well; the rolled-up sleeves on his casual jacket showed muscular forearms hinting at even more toned muscles hidden by his shirt. His broad shoulders made Sheena
drool, as she imagined herself held down by those strong arms. He had fairly long straight black hair that shimmered like black silk whenever he turned his head. His eyes were dark and inquisitive as he scanned the place for a seat.

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