Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can Dogs be Vegetarians

Can Dogs Be Vegetarians

This question was posted on another blog recently. No, not naturally. What is it with people that they want to take an animal into their home and change it's nature? Sure, you can feed your dogs vegetables and he'll eat it. He'll also eat excrement if you give it too him. That doesn't mean it's good for him.

If you want a vegetarian, get an herbivore. Stop trying to turn real animals into copies of yourself. And stop calling yourself dog lovers. You don't love real dogs, you love some phony image you've conjured in a world that exists only in your head.

The world these people live in is a Disneyworld where lions make friends with meercats, where deer buddy up with rabbits. I recently watched an animated movie (I'm a sucker for good ones) and this one had a pack of wolves who were in every way not wolves. They were more like a tiny American society where at the end everyone was equal. No more alpha or omega wolf, just buddies. Two of the pack were telling everyone to eat berries, that it was better. Okay, I know this was just a cartoon, but the sad thing is, for a lot of children this is all the education they get about the natural world. They grow up thinking bears are friendly and get themselves killed trying to pet one.

Don't you think if carnivores could live off plants that they wouldn't do so? Eating grass and picking fruit and veggies is a whole lot easier than having to stalk and kill another animal that most likely doesn't want to be eaten. Carnivores fail in their hunts up to half the time. They will go days without food and even come close to starvation when they can't catch prey. That doesn't suddenly turn them into plant eaters.

Carnivores eat meat because they can't eat raw herbaceous plants. They need the herbivores to eat it and break it down in their bodies which are then eaten by the carnivores. Don't believe it? Try putting a slab of beef in front of a rabbit. Or a cob of corn in your cat's food bowl.

People have so many delusions about the real world. That's fine, keep your fantasies, but don't impose them on others, two legged or four.
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