Saturday, December 3, 2011

Candles for Xmas!

Xmas blogging and free books!

What a great time of year to blog!.So much wonderful atmosphere surrounding everything you see and do. No matter your faith or your beliefs, the carols and joyous aura of the season can’t help but lift your spirits. It’s the only time of the year I miss the snow we had when we lived in the east. But not enough to want to go back, but not nearly enough to go back.

I’m interested in your Xmas traditions. Xmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate. Love’em all.I have one I follow without exception, and will continue as long as I can find the proper Xmas candles. I’ve blogged about my amazing grandmother before and I honor her in a small way at Xmas. As she always did, I burn a bayberry candle on Xmas eve. The saying she taught me was “A bayberry candle burned to the socket, brings health to the home and wealth to the pocket” Once you light it you must let it burn completely down to make the verse come true. Now it’s getting harder. Not only are bayberry candles difficult to find, at least in California, but we’ve gone for years to a friend’s house on Xmas eve. I scrounge around as much as I need to find a bayberry candle, and then light it and put it in the sink to burn to the socket You’ve gotta burn it clear down, so you’re left with nothing but a little wax in the saucer the next morning.

My children think it’s a charming custom, so I find candles for them too. Not easy, believe me, at least on the west coast. I imagine easterners don’t have this much trouble.

Here’s a little Xmas present for you, especially if you hate cooking the way I do. For a great appetizer, put a slab of cream cheese on a plate and pour cranberry relish over it. Wonderful with crackers or pita chips.

And for another present… I want to hear your traditions for the holidays. I’ll pick the two top ones and give them my choice of e-books, any of them. Druids, Mages, or historical. All are listed on my website or Amazon, and you can make your choice.

And to all of you, truly one and all, a happy holiday season.

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