Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Belated St. Patty's Day!

Belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! I hope you had a great time. I cooked tons -- two briskets, two heads of cabbage, and lots of potatoes. Then my guests brought mac n' cheese, whiskey carrots, smoked chicken legs, and TONS and TONS of Guinness. We still have a 24-pack left over.

There was eating and drinking and laughing and more drinking. The poor hubby was feeling it on Monday. Good thing he took the day off.

On top of all that, I suddenly discovered I like making Irish Soda Bread. I had no clue the recipe was that easy. Check it out: Traditional Irish Soda Bread and Brown Soda Bread with Molasses.

I made the traditional version and it turned out really well for my first try. I plan to make the brown one next time. Plus I got a new crock pot to cook one of the briskets (in Guinness). So the soda bread will go great with what I plan to cook in the crock pot.

I adore simple recipes. I have no technique. Anything complicated isn't going to be done right unless practiced and I abhor wasting food in the name of learning. My mommy always taught me that mistakes get eaten. The only exception to that rule is if the mistake is inedible to the point of it being detrimental to my health. So simple recipes are always a good thing. Simple recipes that come with a video are even better so I can see how it's supposed to be prepared.

So I have earned my Thanksgiving turkey merit badge and my St. Patty's day corned beef brisket merits badge, along with my Irish soda merit badge. I get to add those to the ones I already had -- ceviche and banana bars (like banana bread but not as finicky). And of course I knew how to make mac n' cheese from way back -- spaghetti n' cheese too.

There are tons of recipes on FaceBook, which is one of the main reasons I hang out there now. I'm going to start raiding the Pillsbury site for recipes since there is so much you can do with those crescent rolls of theirs. What about you all? Any favorite SIMPLE recipes you want to share?

Zenobia Renquist
Discover Different and Unique Romance
Caveat Emptor Series :: Three couples caught in a war have only one solution -- peace. Si vis pacem, para bellum. :: http://zenobiarenquist.com/bookshelf/caveat-emptor-series

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