Monday, October 17, 2011

Writing Balance

Balance seems to be harder and harder to achieve the more I persevere in this writing life. I spend most of my day at the computer, reading my email, commenting on blogs, and chatting with people at various on-line groups. I now have fan pages on Facebook and Twitter. I join discussions on Amazon and Goodreads. I read tips on marketing and articles on promotion. I attend meetings, blog twice a month, read and critique pages from other writers. Before I know it, it’s time to start supper. The day is over and I haven’t written a word.

My goal this fall is to write more (when I’m not working—darn that day job), to dedicate a minimum of two hours each day to actually putting words on the page rather than thinking about them as I walk the dog. I started my new novel a little over a year ago and it’s still not finished. Granted research also demands a good chunk of time, and once again there is that balance issue again.

During my sacred two hours I will not worry about the phone, laundry, dishes or clumps of dog hair gathered in corners. Chapter Nine will be written. Actually it’s already written, it needs to be re-written. Victoria, Ryder and Percy will get their story, sooner rather than later, because they probably won’t leave me alone until they do.

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