Monday, May 23, 2011

My Writing Space

My writing space, the area of the house which I call my office, is on the back porch. The porch is enclosed with seven windows and is heated, although a space heater is necessary in the winter time so my fingers don't freeze to the mouse. Behind me, placed along the wall, are the freezer, a vacuum cleaner, a rack of coats and a pile of shoes. The porch also includes the back door, which makes it the busiest room in the house.
I share my office with two German Shepherds and five cats. The dogs lay behind my chair, keeping me a virtual prisoner in front of my computer, for fear that if I move my chair I'll roll over someone's tail. The cats sprawl across my printers or lay on my bookcase absorbing the sun, that is, when they aren't walking across my desk, leaving muddy footprints on my calendar or knocking one of my many piles of research notes onto the floor.
But what the porch does give me is an expansive view of our back yard and acres of surrounding farm land. When the windows are open I feel like I'm actually working outside and haven’t wasted the day. I can inhale the aroma of fresh cut hay, listen to the birds chirping in the trees, and feel the summer breeze as it blows all my research notes onto the floor; which I try to catch by instinctively shoving my chair backward. The poor dog yelps, (you'd think he'd learn not to lay there), as I shoot my chair forward to grab the cat, who has decided to tear through the screen to get to the robin hopping through the grass.
This chaotic little corner of the back porch is where I spend my day. And when everything is quiet and the phone doesn’t ring, (which causes Max to howl), I am actually able to type words on my computer screen.
What is your writing space like? Is it calm or chaotic? Do you have any furry assistants?

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