Monday, April 4, 2011


Spring has arrived in Middle Tennessee where I live. The trees are in bloom. The temperatures are hovering in the 60's and 70's during the day although it's still getting rather cool at night. I know for those in the northeast, it's still winter. My daughter, who is in college in Vermont, told me yesterday they got 2 inches of snow. It didn't last long, but still.

The grass is growing like weeds (oh wait, those are weeds) in my lawn and my horses aren't keeping it mowed down very well. Hubby is having to mow and I have to listen to him grumble for hours after he's done, not all of it mind you, he does it in sections since we have about 5 acres that is yard. No, we do not have a riding lawnmower. Ours is a self-propelled walk behind. Originally he said he wanted it for the exercise, but now he complains about it. Me? Not going there. LOL

I need to plant some bulbs for flowers, but we have mostly clay for dirt and nothing grows very well in clay. I have my window boxes on the porch railing though. I need to break down and go buy something to put in there.

So, are you one of those who plants flowers or has a huge vegetable garden? I'd love to have one, but we have tons of possum (many end up in our backyard and the dogs take care of the population too stupid to stay out), rabbits, deer, etc. It makes it rather hard to keep those types out of a garden so we would have a good production of things. Then again back to the clay, would it grow? My neighbors seem to get corn and things to grow so maybe I should try it. I think about it every year, but I have yet to actually plant anything.

As I sit here today watching the wind push the tree limbs around, I think about the coming summer months, the work that will be required to make and maintain a garden when the heat hits in the 90's and 100's, I'll stay in my house, drink my lemonade and watch the world go by.

And you?

~ Sandy

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