Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To Self-Publish or Not

A lot of writers are asking themselves right now if they should take another look at self publishing or not. As a self published author I can say that I feel I made a wise decision on going self published.

Used to when an author self published they were snubbed by the big print published authors and not considered even published by some writing organizations. But times are changing and it's time to go with the flow.

Since Smashwords has come into being the word self publishing has taken on a new persona. is run my Mark Coker and is basically the newest and greatest thing since self publishing was invented, whenever that was.

At an author does not pay one cent to publish his book. There are no expenses created by Smashwords to worry about. The only expense an author might have is buying a decent cover for his work, which is also easy to find and inexpensive if you look at the right places. And there is a choice on that if you want to buy your own ISBN#, you can do so. However, Mark Coker goes the limit for authors and gives them a choice, you can declare as your publisher and it costs you nothing, or you can pay it out of your royalties to buy a ISBN# for yourself. Either way it isn't expensive. Not like the big money that used to be spent to self publishing a book.

Now you do have to learn how to not format your book, and read the self guide at on how to submit your work to them. But once you do read it, it is relatively simple.

Now, some of you may be shaking your heads and saying, "But I won't be recognized as published."

Depends on who you want to recognize you. If it is some multi published print author then, maybe not. If it is a reader, you might be surprised at how little they care how we publish our books. They want quality reads, if you can give them that, you've done most of the work already.

Since e-readers are basically coming down to meet the general public's idea of reasonable, we ebook authors are at the right place and time. formats your book in most e-reader formats, for example, Sony, Apple, Barnes and Noble, (the Nook), Kindle for the Amazon reader. There is also pdf, html and several others. Already done for you once you submit your book.

This means that Smashwords also distributes your work to these outlets. This is where you make your money, in distribution. I know, I'm making more now than I ever have and I've been in the ebook business over ten years.

Whether you write Fiction or Non-Fiction, Fantasy, or western, Smashwords has room for you.

Now, let me set your mind at ease there are primarily only two avenues that might make you falter. One is finding a cover, and the other is editing your work.

As for covers, there are multi stock photo places with royalty free photos that you can enhance right on your computer. There is one model company that I recommend you check out because the photos are fantastic and the prices are so low you might ask why? Here's the url for the model covers, Jimmy Thomas has hundreds of pictures that are high quality and with a title put on them can help sell your book. You will have to invest in someone to put it on for you or learn it yourself.

As for edits, here's what I did, I went with e-publishers and they edited, some of mine were edited then re-edited by another publisher and finally gone over once more by me. Some I edited myself after years of learning of boo-boos. But having your work edited by someone who knows how is important and worth the money you might have to spend. Don't get the most expensive editor, ask around to your writing buddies and see who they use, or who is good. But get your manuscript edited before you submit it to Smashwords, so it looks professional.

So in order to self publish you must read the self publishing guide furnished free through Smashwords, buy a cover, or find a cover, and have your manuscript edited. That's your expense.

Once your books are loaded, you get a thorough read out of your royalties each and every day.

You'll see how much you made on each book, usually 60-70% of the sale price that you set for the book. You'll have automatic record keeping for your taxes, and your own information. There is no guessing with this. The records are clear and concise. Unlike with a regular publisher where you have to take their word for the fact that you sold any, here you have computerized reports you can print out and keep track of. What could be simpler than this.

What are some of the tricks to success: A good cover, good editing, writing a series, offering your books at a reasonable price, having sales, yes, you can have your own sales. Offering free books. Just some of the tricks of the trade. But you won't believe it till you try it. So try it!!!

Do I recommend self publishing---YES!

What books have I had self published. Read the list below.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

Courting Abby

Hannah's Man

Along Came Love

Nick's Baby

Pretend Mom

Heart of the Wild

Suspicions of the Heart

Strictly Business

Runaway Bride

Also short stories:

The Far Side of Lonesome

Halloween Witness

Tina's Revenge

Tina and the Bullies

Tina and the Teenage Mom

Children's books

Willy & The Spider

Poor Mo

Tick or Teet

Maebelle's Hat

JoJo the One Eyed Puppy


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