Monday, November 26, 2012


Giving thanks
Hello everyone.
Now I know that Thanks Giving is already done and dusted in North America and you’ve gone and flashed the plastic at the Black Friday sales, but while you were giving thanks and enjoying turkey and pumpkin pie, down here in New Zealand where we don’t have this holiday it got me thinking about what I was thankful for.  Now like a Miss World entrant (albeit an old and wrinkly one, and certainly not a size zero) I would give thanks for my family and friends and world peace.  But what about the other stuff?
Last night I was out meeting a bunch of friends = we’ve all adopted our children from Russia and while my littlies arrived in New Zealand 16 years ago, I still give thanks that I was able to adopt these precious souls. Even though the teenage years were gray hair material!
But then there is my writing life.   I often get asked if I always wanted to be  a writer. But honestly I don’t remember, but I truly give thanks for fate leading me in this direction, it is a wonderful career, and I take delight each day in being able to craft a story of passion and yes, hardship, that the two souls will have to overcome to find that they are truly meant for each other.  Such is the joy of being able to put obstacles in their way, so that they may realise the great love they have for each other in the end.
So what about my characters?  Some of them are really memorable.
Cade Harper of HE’S THE ONE  Cade is a take no prisoners kind of guy.  Tough, but fair.  What is he thankful for?  Family.  His brother and sister, because they have stood by him, and vice versa.  And mostly he is thankful for Taylor Sullivan the wedding planner who had the guts to ask him the hardest question on earth – teach her how to have sex.

Then there’s Carly Mason in ROMEO FOR HIRE.  She’s desperate to find a ‘date’ and had invented Mr Invisible.  Now they want to meet him.  So what’s Carly thankful for – a flat tire in the middle of know where and a man with bedroom eyes.
Mac Grainger is a tough, take no prisoners wildcatter in SECRETS AND SEDUCTION. He never wanted to settle down, never wanted to marry, then his brother dies and the only family he has left is his brother’s child.  Mac is thankful that little girl leads him finally home to face a past he’d wanted to forget and meet a woman who is warm and loving but then her secret forces him to make a decision that exposes his most closely guarded possession – his heart. 
And finally because it’s coming up to the festive season, there’s Angel from TO KISS AN ANGEL  She is so thankful she gets the chance to fall off her cloud and go back down to earth, breaking Angle rule 750.2 paragraph A.  But canoodling with a client sure can be fun.
So as the holiday season draws scarily close, I would like to wish you all well and that you take time and give thanks for all the blessings we have in our lives, for your family and friends.
Leaving you with a tempting angel…

Excerpt -

Jane Beckenham

“Gather round, Angels. I have a job for you.” Angel Beatrice’s voice boomed across the heavens.
Reluctant to give up her prime position on the fluffy white cloud, Angel 459 nevertheless knew a command when she heard it. Shame. The day was sublime with clear blue skies rolling on forever. The perfect day for a snooze before harp practice, she decided.
Stretching her arms skyward, her wings fluttered their own protest as she came alongside that cute Angel 007. She smiled at him, only to have Beatrice cough rather loudly.
“Right, there’s a job for one of you. A chance to get your very own cloud, so to speak.  A chance to have another shot at earth,” Beatrice advised.
A collective ooh bounced across the bulbous cloud where the angels congregated. Angel’s heart raced, excitement buzzing to the very tips of her fingers. Her wings flapped repeatedly.
“Settle down, Angel 459,” Beatrice countered. “The job isn’t yours...yet.”
A twitter of giggles and flapping wings circled Angel. Damn it. “Oops, sorry Big Bopper,” she whispered. She had a habit of giving people nicknames and knew for a fact that the Almighty kinda liked it, but that was their little secret. “Didn’t mean to say that.” At least not out loud, she added with a secret wink.
“Sure you did, Angel. You’re always speaking without thinking,” 007 piped in.
“Am not.”
 “Angel 459, please step up.”
Beatrice directed her clear gaze towards Angel. “You are 459, otherwise known as Angelica?”
Angel nodded.
“Then step forward, girl. Don’t dilly dally. You’ve a job to do.”
A job. A job. She’d got it. A chance at earth! But the big prize was a new cloud. Closer to the big guy. Angel couldn’t help a little skip for joy as her wings flapped and she glided towards Beatrice. The other angels fell back.
“Angel 459, your job, should you choose to accept it…”

Happy reading everyone and my you have a wonderful holiday season
Jane Beckenham

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