Saturday, April 28, 2012

Earth Day Re-Discovery

A few days before Earth Day, I had thought about what I would celebrate. I've tried to do the usual; take transit, walk where I can, using less water - that kind of thing.

This time, I made the effort of using as little electricity as possible. And that computer for the day.

I thought this would be a no brainer. I use the computer at work everyday so hey, for one day, I'll take a break. ACK!!

I had to keep myself busy, or my fingers would be typing real quick. So I did a lot of reading (which was great; I'm almost caught up on my TBR pile!), cleaned my apartment (and threw out/recycled a lot of stuff), and took a nap (which was heavenly!)

But I had also wanted to get some writing done. So out came the pen and lined paper - and you know what? I miss writing long-hand. I used to do this a long time ago, and I still have some old stories kicking about, with scratch marks and little notes in the margins.

I'm going to continue doing this; once a week for a start. Just sit down with pen and paper and slowly build a story in one of my school notebooks. Maybe I need a break from the computer; this should help.


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