Friday, June 17, 2011

Interview With Lucy Felthouse

Please welcome our interview guest, Lucy Felthouse, a multipublished and talented author.

Interview with Lucy Felthouse
Please give us your website addy, a list of your books and a short bio.
My website address is
My bio is as follows:
During Lucy’s first year studying Creative Writing at the University of Derby, she was dared to write an erotic story. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance and Xcite Books. Find out more at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

My book list is as follows...




Single Author:


How do you usually come up with a story idea?  Dreams?  Writer’s journal? Eavesdropping on conversations?  Newpaper?
All of the above really! I would say films, TV shows and people watching are probably my top ways of getting inspiration. People are so interesting, particularly when they think nobody is watching them, or listening to them.
Who or what inspires you when your creative mojo is lagging?
I'll try not to think about writing, and I'll go and do something else, like pick up a book. Usually if I let my brain relax and not think too hard about it, my creativity will pick up again. Unless I'm really tired, then I just need to get some sleep. I write utter trash if I'm tired.
Who is your Yoda—your seasoned mentor?
I don't think I have a single one. I have lots of authors I'm honoured I can call both friend and mentor. It's a great community to be a part of, everyone's so helpful. So I guess we're all mentoring one another all of the time!
What importance do you place on writing workshops?  What workshops would you recommend to us?
I've never done a workshop. I did my degree in creative writing and that helped in terms of getting together focus groups to critique one another's work. That helped in terms of learning how to give and receive constructive criticism.
What person would you like to thank for inspiring you in your writing aspirations?  How did this person help you?
To be honest, my first forays into writing for publication were pretty lonely. It’s only since I've been part of the community that I've actually gotten to know other writers. Since then I've always felt encouraged and inspired, but there are so many friends that help me in different ways that I couldn't possibly name a single one.

Have you ever used songs for inspiration?

Not really. I find music a distraction when I'm writing. I have to have peace and quiet. I listen to music a lot when I'm answering emails, filling in this interview and so on. But if I'm writing fiction, I need quiet.

Do you play music when you write?  If so, what kind?  Or, do you have to have silence or background noise to set your writing muse free?
Oops – I think I just answered this question above!
Do you read in a different genre than you write?  If yes, why?  If you read in the same genre that you write, do you feel that it influences your writing in any way?   
Generally speaking, I'll read anything, fiction-wise. I definitely read a lot more erotica and paranormal stuff than anything else, but it's because I enjoy it, not necessarily because that's what I write. I do like crime fiction and thrillers, too, but I read them more infrequently.
What is your process from idea to first draft?
Write it down before it disappears! To be honest, I haven't had much experience in plotting yet as I haven't written many longer pieces. So usually, the snippet of an idea that I've had just develops as I go along. But I am in the process of planning a novel, so at the moment I'm writing chapter overviews. I don't know if it's working yet – watch this space!
Have you ever given assistance to a struggling new writer?  Has another writer ever come to your aide?  How?
Yes and yes. I like to help people where I can because I know what it was like for me, and how helpful people were towards me. Everyone deserves a helping hand and I'm just that kind of person!
What do you consider your greatest accomplishments in your career so far?
Selling a piece of work is an achievement each and every single time it happens. I never take it for granted and get equally excited whenever I get a 'yes' from an editor. I just hope it continues to happen.
If you won the big lottery, what would you do with the money?  Would give any of it to charity?  If so, which one?
I'd buy a house in the Peak District (Derbyshire, UK) and equip it with the most kick-ass library you've ever seen.
Other than that, I'd like my life to stay how it is now, really. I enjoy my job and it'd be nice to do it without financial constraints. And of course I’d punctuate the work with holidays to places I've never been able to afford before!
And I'd undoubtedly give money to charity – I already do a lot of fundraising and charity giving, so it'd be nice to give a large amount. It'd be to one of the cancer charities.
What is the best advice you want to give to a new writer?
Read lots and lots of work within your chosen genre. Find out what works, how published stories are polished and how they come across. And edit, edit, edit. Practice makes perfect… or better, anyway!
If you could choose an animal for a mascot, what animal would it be?  What do you admire about this animal?  Do you feel you have qualities similar to this animal?  If so, what are they?
As a Leo, I'd probably choose a lion! I'm a typical Leo, strong and fiery!

If money, education and fear factors were set aside, what three careers would you like to attempt other than writing?

None. I love writing. I'd do more of it if money was no object!

If money, talent and fear were no object, what big adventure would you like to have?

I'd like to do more travelling. I would absolutely love to rent a camper van and do a road trip across the US & Canada. I would like to see as much of it as possible and meet lots of different people!

What characteristics do you like to instill in your heroes? What characteristics do you feel are necessary for a good heroine?

My heroes are usually good looking guys with nice bodies, and they're good in bed. It may be a little clich̩, but it seems to be a tried and tested formula for good erotica Рfor me, anyway!

I don't think there is a set list of characteristics necessary for a good heroine. Though I guess she should be interesting, otherwise people wouldn’t want to read about her! I do like to write strong, sassy, funny female characters as they're more fun to write, and hopefully to read, too!

If you had the power to change two things in the world, what would those two things be?

Wow, that's a tough question. I guess I'd like to eradicate war and suffering.

If could have a super power for a day, what would it be?  Why?

Invisibility, without a doubt. Think of what I could see and do in a day that would help inspire my erotic stories!

When Alison meets Andrew ("call me Drew"), she instantly pegs him as a moron. He's a total bad boy and does nothing but chain smoke and brag about his stream of past conquests. Yet, much to her confusion, Alison still finds herself attracted to him. She's not had sex in a while, so Alison figures there's no harm in going home with him to get herself a bit of rough.

When I met Andrew through friends of friends, I instantly pegged him as a bit of a moron. We were in a pub, and he was telling anybody that would listen about the many mishaps in his love life. Turns out he was quite the ladies' man and had many close calls. The one he was regaling the room with when I arrived was an incident where he'd blown off a woman for the evening, only for her to turn up at his house and see him getting hot and heavy with someone else. Despite the fact he was mocking himself, it sounded like he was desperate for the people listening to know just how many women had been in his life, for however brief an interlude. He was one of those guys you love to hate. And yet, I still fancied him rotten. It was totally bizarre. He was not my type at all.
He was just a little taller than me, slim and lightly tattooed. His facial hair was somewhere between stubble and beard, his hair had no discernable style, and he smoked. I like my men tall, muscular, and clean-shaven. And I hate smoking. Therefore, it took me a while to put my finger on the reason—or reasons—for my odd attraction to the guy. When I finally worked it out, it was like a light bulb clicked on in my head.
He was—or at least he thought he was—a bad boy. What many would call "a bit of rough." He was the guy you never introduced to your friends and certainly not to your parents. You kept him completely under wraps—preferably between the sheets—and enjoyed.
I got the vibe from his oozing self-confidence and the way he recounted his colorful sex life, that he was probably good in bed. I resolved to find out. I didn't need to make a move; his arrogance assured him he was irresistible to all women, and he came on to me, knowing I wouldn't refuse.
I almost did, just to take him down a peg or two. But he was hot, and I was horny, so I didn't mind him picking me up. After all, I had no intention of becoming one of his amusing anecdotes. I wasn't going to stick around long enough for that. I was simply in it for my "bit of rough"—then I was a goner.

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