Monday, January 2, 2012

The First Full Year of Writing - Author Sharita Lira

Good morning everyone! 
What a year it's been. Being a writer has had its ups and downs but I still wouldn't trade it for the world. So much has happened in this the first full year of me being an author and more is to come for next year. 
This year I made a goal to have 20 acceptances and 3 of them be sole author books.  Well I did better than that. I had 22 acceptances and 4 sole author books released in 2011. 2 from Michael and 2 from BL. A lot better than I expected too since at times it seemed like I couldn’t write fast enough but I made my goal so I’m very grateful.

Next year I have 9 books coming out, 7 of them have a release month only 1 has an actual date. I also plan to do to at least 2 self pubbed books. One for Valentine’s day and the other at Halloween. Only because I'd like to see how it goes and it’s another way of people getting to know me. 
I also plan to do more free reads on the blogs as well as on Smashwords too. I don't have any acceptance goals this year simply because I'd like to concentrate on doing longer works for all the names. Right now, the longest works belong to Michael with 30k plus from Vertigo and almost 50k from True Meaning. Rawiya has a couple in the works that will be upwards of 30 but need edits and BL has one, You Don't Ask, the first book of her novel series out in February.

I've had success with the shorts but in just taking a look at the market, a novel is what fans like more than shorts so I need to adjust. Also hot right now is ménage. Rawiya loves doing the MMF and we'll continue to do that. I also have a couple of hetero stories, one for BL and Rawiya has one on the docket, an emotional read with passion that I hope to do as well.

More importantly this year I’d like to continue to work at the technical skills of writing. Not necessarily punctuation or anything, more like more showing vs telling, my plotting skills since I’ve become more of a plotter as opposed to the panster deal. Even though I truly enjoy writing from the cuff, this since to miss some very important details so I’ve changed my style a bit so I could write longer works.

Seriously the only number goal is have is doing 40k per month. I've done that basically every month this year, in Aug I did 80. ;) Even this month I managed to do 40k while not writing about half of it which is awesome. The bottom line is I love to write and when I get on a roll I can write for hours.

Coming up, I’ve got 2 novellas to do. One for Rawiya, book 3 in the Something New Series and  Michael's Under the Gun. I also have several works to edit, including True Meaning 2 which I gave my lovely beta a break but will get back on it next week.

So much to do but I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to stay on top of things and become a better writer. That's the plan. 

Happy new year everyone and if you're a writer, share your goals for 2012. 

The Literary Triad -!

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